I am going to offer some sound advice now. Be sure to take advantage of all that summer has to offer! If you haven’t been to a farmer’s market recently or even a grocery store where local farmers’ wares are showcased take a look. The fruits and vegetables are GORGEOUS!!! Especially this time of year. Peaches, nectarines and plums so juicy that they drip down your chin as you bite into them. Remember to sample the variety of berries as well. My salivary glands are working overtime just thinking about it. And summer veggies? Don’t get me started! Heirloom tomatoes, corn and zucchini are just a few of my favorites.
Use these scrumptious summer time fruits for all of your desserts! One idea that I love to do is to create a free form tart. Just take a pie crust that you roll out onto a pizza pan. Fill the center with ANY fruits you wish, sliced of course, scatter some mixed sugar and flour on top, fold over the crust to hold all the juices in and bake it. See my video on how to make a yummy free form apple walnut tart as well.
A savory take on the above tart that works well is to fill it with fresh corn, sliced zucchini, eggplant or heirloom tomatoes. Cheese it up and bake! Add a salad and I call that a meal.
This is what summer is all about. Simple, easy and fast. More importantly, you are showcasing your baking talents with a little help from Mother Nature!
Happy Baking!
Chef Gail