Articles, Recipes, Videos, Podcasts, and More

Gail Sokol is an award winning chef and educator. Learn about baking through her videos, podcast episodes, baking tips and recipes below.

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An Apple a Day…

I have a great idea for you. If you are not a great pie baker but want to enjoy a ...

Never Go Searching for the Bottom of Your Springform Pan Again!

I can't believe Fall is upon us already, and that means the holidays are soon to follow. I have a ...

Temperature Malfunctions

I have a pet peeve. Food that is not served at the proper temperature! If I am at a function ...

Increasing the Lifespan of your Whipped Cream

Desserts topped with whipped cream can be a beautiful thing. However, they can be frustrating as well! Once you whip the cream ...

Happy 20th Birthday, Bubbles!

Bubbles, my sourdough starter turns twenty years old this year. She and I have been through a lot over the last ...

A Chef Too Big for His Britches

I just spent a wonderful week traveling through California starting in San Francisco and ending up in Napa Valley! The ...

Top off Your Cookies

I have a tip for you. If you are baking cookies and you have any leftover nuts, cookies or candy, ...

Grilling tips for Desserts

Strawberry shortcakes and s'mores are great this time of year, but have you ever entertained the idea of grilling your ...


Tuile, which is a French word meaning roof tile, is a very thin, crispy wafer cookie. These cookies are very ...

Missing Julia Child

All those kitchen reality shows are driving me CRAZY! I get why they are so popular. People love to be entertained. They can't ...

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Makes approximately 1 quart 1 cup whole milk 1 vanilla bean, sliced in half lengthwise 2 cups heavy cream ¾ ...

Baking Boot Camp

I can't believe that I am heading into the third week of my baking camp for kids already. The time has ...

Leftover Bread– It’s Not Just For the Birds

Bread crumbs or French toast are the go to things to do with leftover bread. I get that, but whenever I have some ...

Camp Cheesecake and So Much More…

This is my favorite time of the year, and it is not just because school is out and the days are ...

Looking at the Dark Side of Baking Pans

Did you ever wonder why dark clothing makes you feel warmer than lighter clothing? Dark colors do not radiate energy ...

Grilled Pizza- A Summer Twist on an Old Fav

I get that summer is all about grilling hotdogs, hamburgers, steaks, and chops, but grilling takes on a whole new twist when ...

Flaky and Loving It

In my opinion the best part of a pie is the crust. The crunchy, buttery, flakes just falling apart as my fork ...

Highlighting the Summer Bounty

I am going to offer some sound advice now. Be sure to take advantage of all that summer has to offer! If ...

S’More en Flambe

I was recently invited to the house of good friends for dinner, and as always, I volunteered to bring the dessert ...